This course will give delegates an insight into how to improve the performance of their organization/department. It will focus on the benefits of improving service delivery and the issues surrounding performance, integrity, accountability and the prevention of fraud and corruption.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Deliver high quality leadership through improvement schemes and interventions
• Set effective performance measures in achieving objectives
• Apply public accountability concepts to administrative procedures
• Use benchmarking effectively
Training Contents:
• Establishing performance standards and developing performance measures: competency-based and target-based measures
• Performance based accountability (PBA)
• The benefits of performance standards and their impact on public sector development
• Compilation of locally relevant performance indicators
• Mechanisms to deliver and implement a performance-led regime
• The importance of cross-sector coordination and cooperation in setting performance indicators
• The role of civil society in developing targets, setting standards and improving service delivery
• Creating an effective accountability system
• Ethics, values and setting standards
• Government audits, assessment of procedures and administrative structures, practical aspects of administrative investigations
• An understanding of the impact of information technology in improving performance
• Controlling corruption
• Practices and principles for effective customer service, customer service charters and quality assurance, complaint handling procedures and mechanisms
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
Target Audience:
Managers in the public sector and coordinators responsible for monitoring performance and transparency in their respective departments or organizations and policy makers. Individuals responsible for project management and implementation.
This course is designed to provide delegates with the ability to actively develop modern policy and practice in their department/area of responsibility. Delegates will discuss, analyze and evaluate key elements of modern governance using interactive techniques and case studies from Africa, Asia and Europe. It will provide ideas to stimulate improvement of economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace and will examine means of developing staff into high performing teams.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the socio-economic impact that governance has on civil society
• Develop techniques to manage the implementation of reform in your own organization
• Introduce budgetary measures which will deliver financial savings for your department
• Introduce state of the art HR practices
• Reduce the incidence of corruption
Training Contents:
• The need for policy reform and its impact on economic development
• Effective methods of performance management
• Explore cutting edge human resource practice
• Effective leadership skills and behaviours
• Explore means of motivation and reward systems
• Examine economic budgetary practices
• Information technology options in developing public sector strategy
• Techniques to minimize corruption and dishonesty
• The role of decentralization in administrative reform
• The importance of ethics and standards in achieving improved performance
• The importance of good record keeping and information management in order to improve efficiency
• Develop and present a personal action plan
Target Audience:
This course will benefit leaders, managers, HR professionals and all who have a role in the development and delivery of strategy, policy, or administration within public service or para-statals.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course aims to provide delegates with an insight into modern health and safety policy and practice and examine the process of risk assessment in their working environment. It will also provide techniques to develop a contingency plan and examine the skills required to lead and manage in times of crisis.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
• Introduce/develop a health and safety programme for your organization or department
• Risk assess their organization and its core functions
• Develop a strategic contingency plan
• Develop techniques for responding positively to critical incidents
Training Contents:
• Assess existing health and safety procedures in place in your organization
• Examine health and safety best practice through case studies
• Essential ingredients of an health and safety policy
• Risk assessment understanding and techniques
• Contingency planning and why most organizations need it
• Critical incident response and how to plan for it
• Be prepared for the unexpected: Building a team to respond to crisis
• How to lead in extreme times
• Critical thinking and decision making
• Occupational health policy and procedure
Target Audience:
Leaders, HR Managers and other practitioners interested in improving all aspects of health and safety arrangements in their organization.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course examines the causes and effects of corruption and dishonesty in public and private sectors and within para-statals. It explores the cost to the government, the organization and the individuals concerned and why corruption is so difficult to identify. Using African and international case studies, together with interactive sessions, it provides delegates with practical methods that they can implement to minimize such practices.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Understand corruption prevention methods and practices
• Apply leadership techniques which will help maintain ethics and prevent/reduce corruption
• Combat corruption and fraud effectively using modern prevention techniques
• Develop a whistle blowing strategy
• Apply techniques to challenge inappropriate behavior
• Integrate ethics and values into your strategy and policy development
Training Contents:
• Examine the definition of corruption
• Learn how to identify indicators of corruption/dishonesty in your organization
• Acquire leadership skills and behaviours to help deliver a corrupt-free environment
• Practices and procedures to reduce corruption and dishonesty
• Explore ways to risk assess your department
• Learn methods to sustain an ethical workforce
• The importance of ethics in achieving improved performance
• Explore how to develop a whistle blowing strategy
• Have a detailed understanding of corruption prevention methods and practices
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for senior and middle managers of all public service departments, para-statals and the private sector who wish to embrace reform. It will also be an ideal course for those specialists employed in the business of corruption and dishonesty prevention.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
Delegates will acquire an insight into the methodology of budget management and cost accounting. They will learn project and process costing and what to look for in financial management information.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
• Develop sound financial management and control in your organization or department
• Initiate and maintain methods for measuring and managing financial performance
• Create and implement an action plan for significant improvement in your area of responsibility
• Apply the essential concepts of accounting, budgets and finance
• Appreciate the importance of reducing unnecessary cost and working towards better value for money
• Create departmental savings for flexible budgeting
Training Contents:
• Use best practice to create written budgeting justifications and integrate performance budgeting into your organization’s budget process
• Expenditure planning and control
• Principles and practices of resource allocation and budget management
• Develop accruals-based accounting to replace cash accounting
• Action planning to implement financial reforms
• Audit and accounting process and practice
• Using private finance in public finance
• The significance of Nolan Principles and values in budgetary processes
• Financial aspects of project management
• Procurement arrangements and stock control
• Aligning performance goals with budget account structures
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for public sector Accountants, Managers, Officers associated with public services reforms
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course aims to advance the delegate’s leadership skills with a view to improving organizational performance. Using case studies and interactive sessions, it examines several leadership theories, identifies the individual’s preferred leadership styles and demonstrates routine workplace behavior which will improve efficiency and place the individual in an advantageous position when being considered for promotion.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand modern leadership methods
• Develop methods of motivating employees at little or no cost
• Implement inspiring workplace behaviours
• Understand the dynamics of effective team building
• Develop techniques to manage change effectively
• Identify and deal with resistance to change
Training Content:
• What are your existing leadership skills – SWOT Analysis
• Common leadership styles and your own preferred styles
• The critical role of leadership to deliver economic, efficient and effective organizational performance
• Examine the work foundation research to develop new leadership skills and behaviours
• Acquire skills in team building
• Techniques in motivating staff
• Effective reward systems
• Understand the nature and dynamics of change
• Conflict and resistance to change
• Effective communication: communicate the need for change
• Harness stakeholders and civil society involvement
• Develop a personal action plan
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for those with managerial, leadership or supervisory roles who wish to learn or develop effective leadership and motivational skills
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course provides delegates with the tools to facilitate growth within their respective local governments and building capacities. It also aims to explore the potential of improving service delivery to constituents and aiding the overall development of local government.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Identify and effectively tackle areas that require growth within local government
• Make constructive contributions to re-structuring and modernization
• Engage private sector participants in promoting better service delivery
• Understand and apply the requirements of a viable workforce in strengthening local government performance
• Understand and introduce the concept of e-government at a local government level in aiding good governance
Training Contents:
• Introduction to centralization and decentralization of government bodies
• Management for modernization
• E-government
• Strengths and weakness of the modernization of government
• Continuous change and innovation
• Changing organizational structure
• Initiating and managing change
• The need for training and human resource development
• The use of market type mechanisms to provide government services
• Performance measures and management
• Local financial accountability and balance of funding
• Reforming government grants
• Modernizing public funds
• Effective leadership
• Local government administration, the municipal structure and good governance
• Promoting and sustaining local growth and structural development
• Public/private partnerships, outsourcing strategic functions
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for local and regional government officials and representatives
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course focuses on the relevance of managing human resource and the need to update practice in order to fully utilize human capacity in achieving improved public service delivery. Through the course, delegates will acquire skills in harnessing optimum performance from staff through a combination of tools and systems
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
• Apply detailed knowledge of the most modern HR policies and strategies
• Apply and develop leadership skills and behavior to motivate staff
• Build high performing teams
• Understand the benefits of effective staff management and reward systems
• Develop techniques to ensure recruitment, selection and promotion are merit based
• Plan and implement a performance and reward system
Training Content:
• SWOT Analysis of existing policy and practice
• The development of modern human resource policy and practice in a local context
• Introducing objective, merit-based assessment and appraisal systems
• Implementing a management reward system including issues affecting job evaluation, pay and reward systems
• Succession planning, recruitment and selection processes
• Handling grievances and discipline
• Dealing with resistance
• How to develop and introduce a strategy to right size your organization
• Modernizing personnel record keeping
• Team working for improved performance
• Coaching and mentoring
Target Audience:
Middle managers of all public services and staff of all grades in human resource management who wish to positively contribute to modernization in their own organizations.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course is aimed at first line supervisors and junior managers to enable them to positively contribute to modernization of the public sector. Delegates will study, discuss and evaluate key elements of the public sector reform process. The programme will include case studies from the UK and elsewhere that are most relevant to improving and strengthening their own organization’s economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
• Deliver high quality leadership through improvement schemes and interventions
• Set effective performance measures in achieving objectives
• Apply public accountability concepts to administrative procedures
• Use benchmarking effectively
Training Content:
• Establishing performance standards, developing performance measures: competency-based and target-based measures
• Performance based accountability (PBA)
• The benefits of performance standards and their impact on public sector development
• Compilation of locally relevant performance indicators
• Mechanisms to deliver and implement a performance-led regime
• The importance of cross-sector coordination and cooperation in setting performance indicators
• The role of civil society in developing targets, setting standards and improving service delivery
• Creating an effective accountability system
• Ethics, values and setting standards
• Government audits, assessment of procedures and administrative structure, practical aspects of administrative investigations
• Understand the impact of information technology in improving performance
• Controlling corruption
• Accountability and the role of the public sector
• Practices and principles for effective customer service, customer service charters and quality assurance, complaint handling procedures and mechanisms
Target Audience:
Officers from grade level 8 and above in the public sector
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course aims to provide delegates with an introduction and understanding of records management in all media. It will then provide techniques to deal with the issues and challenges involved in implementing electronic records management systems.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the objectives and values of records management
• Carry out information surveys to find out what information exists in your organization
• Develop sustainable policies on records and improve their management
• Understand how records underpin accountability and freedom of information requirements
• Identify management issues associated with the use of electronic records, including email
• Understand the key features and benefits of electronic documents and records management systems (EDRMS)
• Develop practical strategies for implementing electronic document and records management systems
• Assess the risks associated with the use of email and other electronic document and records management technologies.
Training Content:
• The importance of records and information as a vital resource
• Records control systems
• Classification systems
• Retention and disposal policies
• Records appraisal and archiving
• Carrying out information audits
• Electronic and paper-based records: similarities and differences
• Risk associated with electronic records
• Opportunities associated with electronic records
• Email: Friend or Foe
• EDRMS- Developing a business Case
• EDRMS- Building a requirement Specification
• EDRMS- Implementation and Change Management
• Long- Term Preservation of Electronic Records
Target Audience:
Ideal for records managers, project managers, business consultants, senior managers, auditors and anyone involved in managing or using records and information contained in them.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course is designed to help delegates device a modernization strategy within their organizations where one does not currently exit. It will also assist those already in a reform programme to actively participate in modernizing their department/area of responsibility. Delegates will discuss, analyze and evaluate key elements of a reform agenda using interactive techniques and case studies from Africa, Asia and Europe.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
• Develop or enhance a tailor-made modernization /reform strategy for your department or organization
• Examine human resource practices and policies with a view to reform
• Explore the opportunities that information technology can provide to assist in a reform programme
• Develop a leadership and motivation strategy
• Examine ways to develop and reform fiscal policy
• Develop corruption prevention techniques
Training Content:
• Scope of a reform programme
• The need for policy reform and its impact on economic development
• Developing strategic thinking and planning
• Examine economic budgetary strategy for the present and over the next 5 – 10 years
• Information technology options in developing public sector strategy
• Mechanisms to reduce/prevent fraud and corruption
• Strategic leadership skills and behaviours
• Means of motivation and reward systems
• Effective reform programme management and control
• Essential techniques to implement/develop a performance – led regime
• Explore means to harness civil society
• Develop an action plan
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for public sector officers who wish to develop or participate in a reform programme for their organization.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared
This course is designed to give an introduction to the principles and practices of freedom of information (FOI) legislation. It explains the key provisions of FOI legislation, and how it affects management, records officers, legal advisers, and others whose role includes providing information in response to requests from the public.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
• Understand the objectives and social context of FOI
• Understand how records management underpins accountability and FOI requirements
• Identify constraints and issues that are risks to successful implementation of FOI and their countermeasures
• Develop practical strategies for implementing FOI
Training Content:
• An overview of the FOI Act, its structure and core provisions
• Social and organizational implementations of FOI
• FOI: a catalyst for transparency and development
• Records management and FOI
• Implementing FOI
• How to use the key exemptions and what the public interest test means
• The relationship between data protection and FOI
Target Audience:
Senior and middle managers in public and private sector organizations. Records and information officers and managers will also find the course ideal.
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared.
This course introduces the context of E-government and its application in public sector reform and improved service delivery. It will examine the use of government information as it relates to government practice and planning (records and information management), transparency, access to this information and collection of public data. The course will also focus on public sector image building using international standards, including necessary structures required for effective E-governance.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Identify the use of E-government in improving public service delivery
• Develop strategies in implementing E-government in local and central authorities
• Offer direction in planning accessible web portals and the dissemination of information to the international community
• Manage the process of developing a strong E-government presence and improving public procedures
Training Content:
• Introduction to E-Government
• Building a case for E-government: the pros and cons
• E –government concepts
• Creating a blueprint for E-government
• Policy creation and analysis
• Designing and implementing E-government
• Enabling environment for e-government
• Computerization: personnel and infrastructure
• Public service delivery: improving standards through e-government
• Leadership, change and challenges
• Freedom of information and transparency
• Achieving global standards
• Building a customer-oriented government
• Case study Europe
• Case study Asia
• Case study Africa
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for government officials and representatives
Lectures, Discussions, Role play, case studies and practical exercises. Audio–visual aids such as multi-media and films will be used to reinforce learning. Experience will also be shared